Processor or microprocessor, the CPU was first developed by Intel in 1974 and is short for Central Processing Unit. The computer CPU is responsible for handling all instructions and calculation it receives from other hardware components in the computer and software programs running on the computer. Above is a graphic example of what the original Intel Pentium processor.
Today, there are several different manufactures of computer processors. However, Intel and AMD are the leaders in the PC market.
A special purpose processor that helps the CPU perform a special operations such as math operations, encryption, and computer graphics. A math coprocessor, which helps with floating point operations allows the computer to perform more complicated mathematical instructions.
Floating Point Unit, FPU is a function included in all computer processors today that allow processors to perform math floating point notations, increasing the speed and capability of a processor.
Short for Graphics Processing Unit, GPU is a single chip processor located on the video card that handles the processing for 2D or 3D graphics. By having a separate processor on the video card the main computer CPU can handle all other important tasks.
MATH Processor
referred to as a numeric coprocessor or a floating-point coprocessor, the math coprocessor is an optional processor add-on for the Intel 8086, 80386 and 80486 processors that allowed a computer to perform mathematical calculations more efficiently and faster.


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