Not a Number (NaN) &
NaN is not new. Packages such as Wolfram Mathematica and Microsoft Excel have been using it for years. The value NaN indicates that the result of an operation can’t be defined: It’s not a regular number, not zero, and not infinity. NaN is more of a mathematical concept rather than a value you can use in your calculations. The Log() function, for example, calculates the logarithm of positive values. By definition, you can’t calculate the logarithm of a negative value. If the argument you pass to the Log() function is a negative value, the function will return the value NaN to indicate that the calculations produced an invalid result. You may find it annoying that a numeric function returns a non-numeric value, but it’s better than if it throws an exception. Even if you don’t detect this condition immediately, your calculations will continue and they will all produce NaN values.
Dim var1, var2 As Double
Dim result As Double
var1 = 0
var2 = 0
result = var1 / var2
If you execute these statements, the result will be NaN. Any calculations that involve the
result variable will also yield NaN.